15 de fevereiro de 2012

MARAÚ Melhor que o Rally dos Sertões

Maraú – Even better than the Prairie Rally

condições atuais da estrada
The road situation nowadays

Antes de descrever a aventura, quero esclarecer que hoje o acesso é bastante fácil. 
De Ilhéus até a entrada para Maraú são 87 km ou uma hora e dez minutos pela rodovia Ilhéus Itacaré e BA-001, ambas asfaltadas e lindas. Depois mais 44 km ou uma hora até o paraíso, pela BA-030, de terra.
Mas antes da construção da ponte sobre o rio das contas o percurso era bem diferente!!! Mais bonito, mais divertido, porém mais demorado, tenso e com um grande risco de ficar pelo caminho...
De Ilhéus ia-se para Itacaré pelo asfalto (mais antigamente ainda era de terra). Em Itacaré fazia- se a travessia de balsa pelo rio das contas, onde começava a diversão.

Before I share my adventures, I want to make it clear that nowadays this route is quite easy to do. 
Maraú's entrance is 87 km away from Ilhéus, or one hour and ten minutes drive apart through the Ilhéus-Itacaré and BA-001 roads, both of them very scenic. Then there are still 44 km, or one our drive, to get to paradise, through the BA-030 dirt road. 
However, before the bridge across Contas river was built this route was quite different! It was more scenic and more fun to go through, but also a lot more difficult, it took a lot longer to complete and the chances of being forced to stop somewhere along the way were very large... 
From Ilhéus one had to take a paved road to Itacaré (not that long ago, that was a dirt road too). In Itacaré the crossing of the Contas river was made by ferry, the point where all the fun would start. 

Saindo da balsa tinham duas possibilidades: areião no verão ou lama no inverno.
Once off the ferry, the options were heaps of sand during summer or pits of mud during winter.

testando a habilidade do motorista!
A test for the driver's skills!

avaliando o risco, o jeito é tirar o sapato e atravessar descalço para ver onde dá, tarefa para a co-piloto, no caso eu, como podem ver tirando a foto do outro lado da poça....
The only way to gauge the risks is to take your shoes off and walk through the water to find out where the crossing is possible, a task suited for the co-pilot – in this case, myself, as you can see since I took this picture from the other side of the pool...
dica, tirar a placa do veículo antes de começar a aventura, perdemos todas as vezes e tivemos que pagar, sempre dá aquela preguiça, acho que dessa vez vai dar, e aí prejuízo!
A tip: take the licence plate off the car before crossing! We lost our licence plates every time before and ended up having to pay for them. You always feel lazy and think that this one time it won't happen, just to lose the plate yet again!
saída pela direita e atolamos, mas nada que um baiano simpático passando não resolva!
We tried to go through the right side and got stuck... nothing a nice native can't help us out of!

enfim chegamos!
We arrived at last!

rio na beira do caminho na volta, águas cristalinas
Crystalline waters in the river by the road on the way back.

chegada na balsa pelo lado de Maraú
The arrival by ferry through the Maraú side

o bar na espera da balsa, deve ter fechado...
The bar by the ferry station, it must have closed by now...

A criatividade Baiana
The Bahian criativity

Cena típica, caixa de som no veículo, não importa o tamanho!
A typical situation: stereo speakers on the vehicle, no matter how large!

outra cena típica, a cabana e o snooker, a moto deve ter som!?!?!
Another typical situation: a cabin with a snooker table. Certainly this motorcycle has speakers too!

praia do centro de Itacaré
Itacaré's central region's beach.

recompondo o poisé para devolução na locadora e fim da aventura, snifff
Getting the car back in shape to be returned to the rental company. The adventure came to an end. Sniff.

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